World's first zoo salad bar opened - giraffes only

The world's first salad bar for giraffes has been set up at a zoo in the Netherlands.

Amersfoort Zoo is hanging baskets filled with vegetables and hay in the tops of trees for the animals.

They want to encourage their giraffes to eat like they would in a natural habitat, by using their necks and straining for food up trees.

Zoo keepers were worried the animals were getting lazy and bored with just having their food served up by staff everyday.

Mark Hoedemaeker, zoo manager, says a salad bar will help encourage the giraffes to work for their food and keep them occupied.

"Having a saladbar, the giraffes have to search for their meal since the baskets are hung 50 meters from each other," he said.

"They are filled with food a few times a day."

Source: Ananova

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