Park's breeding group of Bactrian Camels has produced a baby female, born
7th April 2001, in time to delight the Park's returning visitors.
The baby camel, named Chloe, now stands about four feet tall and can be
seen in the grassy camel enclosure with her mother, Sushi and father Stavros.
She also shares her enclosure with her sister Holly (b. 1999), and two unrelated
females, Friday and Maggie, making a group of six.
Bactrian Camels originate from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia and China. Although
they are now extremely rare in the wild, there is a healthy breeding population
in zoos and wildlife parks worldwide.
The adults have distinctive shaggy russet coats which start to moult at
around this time of year. They have two 'humps', which are in effect stores
of fat to see them through the harsh winters of their native habitat. (Arabian
Camels have just the one hump).
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