News Archive

Annual Walk for Wildlife
The Winchester Group of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) will be holding its annual walk at Marwell Zoological Park this year on Sunday, 7th October
Baby Giraffe at Whipsnade
In August Whipsnade's latest arrival, a female giraffe calf, started life with a bump.
Three Baby Tigers
Three bundles of stripy, wild cat mischief are making their mark as Whipsnade Wild Animal Park’s newest arrivals.
New Message Board and Forum
Now you can share your views with others, ask questions and post comments. Check it out!
Channel 4's Year 1 Competition
We entered one of our photos taken off a giraffe and pleased to announce it got into the finals of the Channel 4 Year 1 Photography competition. Out of 13,000 entries our giraffe made it to the top 25! Not bad going !!
World's first zoo salad bar opened - giraffes only
The world's first salad bar for giraffes has been set up at a zoo in the Netherlands.
Asian water buffalo take to the Fens
Four Asian water buffalo have been released on to the Fens as part of a unique project to maintain a conservation area.
Flamingo chicks flown 11,000 miles to form new colony
A group of 20 Greater Flamingo chicks flew 11,000 miles to New Zealand packed in hessian-lined compartments in an aircraft hold.
Marwell's Three Baby Giraffes
Stephen, Richard and Jane are baby giraffes at Marwell Zoo. It is the first time that the zoo has had so many baby giraffes so close together. It’s also a rare occurrence in zoos
Vote for us in the Yell Awards 2001
We are constantly receiving encouraging emails from people who have enjoyed the site and have found it informative and useful. If you, like many other people like our site then why not vote for it at the Awards!! What a great way to celebrate our second year!
Photo Gallery Updated
We have added new photos to the Photo Gallery - new photos of Tigers, Lions and Giraffes can be seen. Aswell as the six new sections: horses, penguins, flamingos, bongos, orangutans and crocodiles.
Marwell's Baby Jaguars
Two four month old male jaguar cubs, Coro and Cali are now at Marwell Zoo and settling in well.
Baby Camel at Cotswold
The Park's breeding group of Bactrian Camels has produced a baby female, born 7th April 2001.
Four Baby Camels at Whipsnade
Whipsnade Wild Animal Park has four baby Bactrian camels which, on 1st May, explored their new enclosure for the first time.
Baby Rhino at West Midlands Safari Park
West Midland Safari Park are proud to announce the birth of an extra special baby.
Baby Zebra at Marwell
A baby Chapman’s zebra born on Sunday, 8th April at Marwell has been named Tamsin.


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